Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Arthur Miller’s “Death of a Salesman” Essay

Throughout Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman, Willy Loman tended to victimize virtually everyone he came in contact with. He hurt others perpetually throughout this play for a variety of different reasons. One of his key targets was his wife Linda. From verbal to finical, Willy Loman abused his wife Linda. His son Biff was also a prime target of his abuse. His abuse towards his son was subtle at times, and not so subtle others. Biff wasn’t the only son to encounter abuse his brother Happy was also a target. Happy was abused not by any action, but by lack of. To further expand on the aforementioned, Happy was ignored by his father causing much detriment. A common occurrence among abusers is that their victimization seems be focused internally (family) or externally (everyone else) but rarely both. Willy Loman was an anomaly as far the previously philosophy was concerned; Willy victimized everyone he came in contact with. From his finically supportive friend, Charley, to the last person you’d expect, a child. Though, that isn’t to say that Willy was in turn unharmed; he was also a victim. Those who are victimized often feel that they are justified in their diatribe against all others, no matter how untrue. His boss Howard would victimize Willy Loman, stating his lack of importance to business. Which could be perceived as a severe act against one’s ego, but this wasn’t the most prevalent culprit of harassment. The quintessential worst enemy of Willy was his mental illness; but more specifically his frequent delusional tangents. Throughout Arthur Miller’s Masterpiece, Death of a Salesman, Willy Loman was both a victim and a victimizer as I’ll soon make evident in the text below. The most evident victim of Willy Loman was his dearest wife Linda. There were many angles in which she was abused but none more apparent than verbally. Willy Loman didn’t abuse his wife in the conventional use of the word; he didn’t go on verbal tirade, it was much more passive. For example a scrip analysis from Death of a Salesman featuring an emotional moment between Willy Biff and Linda; from pages one hundred and twenty-seven to one hundred and thirty, Willy had twenty-eight lines, Biff had twenty-five lines and Linda a mere four. This clearly demonstrates that whenever Linda was part of  the conversation that wasn’t one-on-one she was severely neglected. When Willy and Linda would talk one-on-one she couldn’t say a thing without being contradicted or having her opinion belittled; â€Å"LINDA: Willy, dear. Talk to them again. There’s no reason why you can’t work in New York. WILLY: They don’t need me in New York. I’m the New England man. I’m vital in New England.† (Death of a Salesman, page 14) This shows utter denigration just for the sake of flexing his superiority, and ironically enough, he later attempts exactly what his wife suggests. What this shows is that Linda was absolutely right and Willy chose to victimize her over admitting that his wife was right. In this scene Willy defames his wife by establishing her inability to do simple processes correct, â€Å"WILLY: Why do you get American when I like Swiss? LINDA: I just thought you’d like a change- WILLY: I don’t want a change! I want Swiss. Why am I always being contradicted?† (Page 17) Maybe this seems harmless but imagine how you would feel; you’re looking out for some ones best interests and made to feel incompetent in the process. There is no doubt in my mind that this was detrimental to Linda’s ego. Another way Willy victimized Linda was a way only Biff and he were privy to; events in Boston that may have cost him a place in heaven. Willy chose to break sanctity of marriage by cheating on his wife with a woman from Boston, but this begs the question; is someone a victim if they don’t know they were victimized? The second definition on states that a victim as â€Å"a person who is deceived or cheated, as by his or her own emotions or ignorance, by the dishonesty of others, or by some impersonal agency.† Ostensibly, what makes a victim isn’t the harm; it is the deceitfulness behind the action. To apply logic; if Linda were to find out she would in turn be hurt. With the application of this definition all speculation ends, and Linda clearly can be labeled a victim. The last dynamic to Linda-Willy victimization is the more subtle finical difficulty caused by Willy’s incompetence. Willy had a commission based job and as a result had very unstable salary. In the later years of Willy’s life he seemed to have lost his knack for selling and as a result his income. This clearly created an uncomfortable living environment for the Linda. For one, not having working appliances would make her life incredibly more  difficult and in turn would cause her stress. Secondly, not knowing if they would be able to afford their insurance premiums was also a problem. Not knowing if your world could come to a crashing end at any moment would create an enormous amount of insecurity in Linda. I am perfectly aware that this wasn’t Willy’s intend by any means; it was a topic of Willy’s concern as much as it was Linda’s. As of such, I’m sure you’re curious how this could be interpreted as victimization; how could b eing unable to provide a healthy living environment for your family be victimization? It lies in Willy’s passivity and ego. Willy had an opportunity to receive a job from his friend and finical confidante Charles, and by refusing it he effectively threw Linda into a poor finical situation. Another character Willy victimized was his own son Biff. Much like Linda, there was a few facets to Willy’s abuse as I’ll soon demonstrate. The first on the docket was the verbal abuse. To keep this from convolution I present the following, â€Å"Biff is a lazy bum!† (Page 16) This demonstrates verbal abuse towards Biff that caused a great amount of distress in his son; as Biff perceives in rebuttal to like-comments, â€Å"Why does Dad mock me all the time?† (Page 21) This just brings a pinch of tangibility and support the true power of Willy’s abusive comments. There was also a less visible approach to Willy’s abusive nature, and that was in how he spoke to Biff. I’m sure you’re probably encountered similar situations, maybe when meeting the judgmental mother-in-law. To get straight to the point, they state seemingly standard question or comments laced in condescension and attitude. Willy had a perpetual filter of attitude when he would confront Biff; and I use the word â€Å"confronting† because the seemed less like conversations and more like an interview. It would be extremely difficult to demonstrate this, so instead I present a quote from his wife Linda who also recognizes his confrontational attitude. â€Å"LINDA: †¦You mustn’t lose your temper with him. WILLY: When the hell did I lose my temper? I simply asked him if we making any money†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Page 15) As you can see, Linda has recognized what I did, Willy’s subtle criticism of his son Biff via seemingly harmless questions. Though Willy’s verbal assaults were extremely hurtful they didn’t even scratch the surface relative his other mode of victimization; the belief of  his son’s greatness. Most would consider thinking your son is great to a fantastic attribute for both son and father, but there is a level of moderation that was completely disregarded. Hoping the best for your son and being utterly divorced from reality are two completely different things; and unfortunately Willy was the latter. By constantly putting Biff on a pedestal he put him in a very uncomfortable situation. He made Biff feel that if he didn’t achieve the level of his expectations he was a failure. This ultimately led to his breakdown and the elimination any doubts of the pain Willy induced. Besides the previously mentioned moments of abuse, Willy was a less than satisfactory parent. In order for people to become competent adults they require a strong upbringing. The reason Biff didn’t have a strong upbringing was because of Willy’s ego. Willy thought he was had fantastic genes and his son would be fantastic by default. For starters, his father ignored all warning sides that Biff was failing math, even after literal warning from his son’s friend Bernard; â€Å"BERNARD: I heard Mr. Birnbaum say that if you don’t start studyin’ math he’s gonna flunk you†¦ WILLY: Don’t be a pest, Bernard!† (Page 32) Willy’s belief in Biff’s infallibility led him to completely disregard the warning signs of his failure. Some might think this is Biff’s responsibility, but I beg to differ. Willy is his father, and his son was at a crucial age in life, one where the easiest choice isn’t the best. This was a very important time for Willy to take hold and push him to succeed and unfortunately he didn’t. By not giving him a proper foundation he put his son in a predicament he could never escape, one that presented years of disappointment frustration and anger. Willy’s abuse of his son Happy wasn’t of an unconventional nature. He didn’t insult Happy, nor did he criticize him. What he did could be interpreted as even worse, he didn’t acknowledge his existence. The only time he entered into mind was while Biff was the focal point. It was evident that this constant ignorance deeply bothered Happy. As a child Happy was constantly pretentious; trying to grasp any ounce of attention he could get his hands on. This is a sheer sign of someone who was attention deprived. He wouldn’t have had to constantly draw attention to himself if he was getting it  anyways, in a manner a good father would provide. In his later life, Happy suffers from numerous characteristic of a person who was an attention deprived child. For one he perpetually lies to making him seem like something worth admiring; as demonstrated at the Chop House, â€Å"Excuse me, miss, do you mind? I sell champagne and I’d like you to try my brand . Bring her a champagne, Stanley.† (Page 101) In this scene Happy boldly lies to woe a women he has just met; he was not a champagne sales person, he in fact worked an unsatisfying job as the assistant to the assistant buyer. Another sign of his victimization as child was evident in the way he treated his father. I speculate as the years past, Happy started to resent his fathers. This is evident by the apathy he demonstrated towards his father at the Chop House; â€Å"LETTA: Don’t you want to tell your father- HAPPY: No, that’s not my father. He’s just a guy. Come on†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Page 115) There is an expression, â€Å"the apple doesn’t fall from the tree†. I think this moment brings this expression to life as Willy’s choice to ignore his son comes full circle as Happy does the same, leaving him high and dry. Willy didn’t direct his victimization to the Loman family members alone, he chose to victimize people outside his family as well. He was relentless when it came to his neighbor and good friend Charley. Charley was a great friend of his who would help him finically at every turn of the way. Even when Willy lost his job and was indebt Charley put his best foot forward to correct this unfortunate circumstance by offering the obviously useless Willy a job. Willy seemed to overlook this steadfast friendship to criticize Charley for relatively irrelevant reasons; â€Å"WIILY: Where are the rest of your pants? CHARLEY: My wife bought them. WILLY: Now all you need is a golf club†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Page 51) This is just one of the numerous examples of Willy ruthlessly criticizing his loyal friend. Insulting someone when they are around could be construed as friendly banter if Willy didn’t insult Charley only in person. This is demonstrated when Willy s uses his loyal friend as a model of someone who isn’t â€Å"well-liked.† â€Å"HAPPY: Like Uncle Charley, heh? WILLY: Bigger than Uncle Charley! Because Charley is not-liked. He’s liked, but he’s not-well liked.† (Page 30) The most troublesome portion of this moment in Death of a Salesman is the level of candor. Willy throws his friend to the dogs as if he’s was a piece of meat. The victimization didn’t pertain to Charley alone; it also carried over to his son Bernard. Willy view Charley’s son Bernard as weak because of his lack of athletic prowess. For this reasons Willy felt it necessary to victimize Bernard as exemplified in the following, â€Å"You want him to be a worm like Bernard?† (Page 40) In this quote Willy refers to his son’s friend Bernard as a worm during a conversation with his wife Linda. The most unfortunately part of this is that Bernard, much like his father has a caring nature, and constantly tries to help the Loman’s. Once again, Willy just brushes off any attempted assistances and chooses to do the exact opposite and victimize. Victimization as far as Willy Loman was concerned wasn’t a one way street; the sword of victimization was double-edged. Howard, Mr.Loman’s boss was probably his biggest adversary. He was a very business oriented individual who didn’t see faces but instead dollar signs. This is best exhibited when an emotionally tattered Willy request a desk job in the New York office. â€Å"I appreciate that, Willy, but there just is no spot here for you. If I had a spot I’d slam you right in, but I just don’t have a single solitary spot.† (Page 80) Upon first glance this might seem as if Howard is a caring individual whose hands are tied, but that is just a business persona exhibited and taught universally. If that seems like to far of a stretch you only need to inspect Howard’s actions that later came; â€Å"HOWARD: Willy, you can’t go to Boston for us. WILLY: Why can’t I go? HOWARD: I don’t want you to represent us†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Page 83) Willy’s purpose upon visiting Howard was to request an advance to protect his family arrives only to get the proverbial boot. Howard did mention business is business and we are all aware that the business world is cut throat and if you aren’t effectively doing you’re job you don’t deserve to have one; but this doesn’t excuse the tactfulness of Howard’s actions. Willy’s loyalty was completely disregarded, he wasn’t given any chance or warning and for that reason this by whom Willy was most victimized. Besides Howard, only one character could touch the level of victimization he achieved, and his name was Willy Loman; bar-none, his own worst enemy. One  of the crucial problems with Willy was his need to be better than everyone else. He constantly compared his achievement to his brother Ben as well as his good friend Charley. He viewed anything less than their success as simply not good enough. This in turn caused Willy an enormous amount of anxiety. Comparing yourself with your peers isn’t necessarily a bad thing, it’s only bad when your point of comparison is insurmountable and you won’t settle for anything less; his brother Ben had a mammoth size fortune, and good friend Charley was a wealthy business owner with an, even wealthier Lawyer son. If that wasn’t enough, like most parents, Willy began to live his life through his son Biff. Biff being a total failure; this resulted in even more suffering for Willy. Willy’s hope began to decay and deca y until it was unrecognizable, leaving him with only one option left. Willy’s only option left was suicide. A series of culminating events in Willy’s eyes, denied him any other option. He was starting to subconsciously recognize his failure as a father and more importantly a man. I couldn’t imagine a more cold cut victimization of one self. Many people when in a depressed state commit heinous acts, but there is no more heinous than committing suicide. Suicide is the grand puma as far as self-deprecation goes and Willy was a culprit of it. The mode of his suicide was even more appalling; a forced car accident. There are many sure ways to kill yourself; hanging, or shooting, jumping off something really high, but it takes a significant amount of self victimization to commit suicide via motor vehicle. This is because the chances of sustaining permanent injury are extremely high versus the chances of death. For this reason, I can concur that all victimization of Willy’s were only overcome by the victimization of himself. This play was riff in the victimization and concurrent victims. Linda was victimized in enumerable fashions by her husband Willy. Willy’s victimization also carried over to his two son’s Biff and Happy who where both victimized but in two different fashions; one by neglect the other by high expectations. The victimization by Willy Loman didn’t cease at the doors of the Loman household, it even was carried over to his loyal friend and neighbor Charley and son Bernard. Willy was in turn victimized by his  boss Howard who made him feel inferior to the company, striking a serious blow to his ego, as well as putting him in a horrible finical situation. This diatribe aside Willy was in fact the biggest abuser of himself. One unanswered question seems to resound through this play, and that is why did Willy feel the need to criticize those around him? Was it his upbringing? I am under the impression it was due to mental illness. Willy seems to have many of the characteristics of one who is depressed; persistently sad, anxious, feelings of helplessness, difficulty making decisions, irrational thoughts and at the top of that list, suicide. Willy was without a doubt the biggest victimizer in Death of a Salesman but his victimization of others was only superseded by the victimization of himself.

India: Diversity Essay

Introduction India is a huge multicultural country with different religions and different languages. The culture of India is one of the oldest and unique. In India, there is amazing cultural diversity throughout the country. Every religion has their own rituals like clothing, food and festivals. But they all live like family all over the world. India is home to some of the most ancient civilizations, including four major world religions, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism. . India is a vast country, having variety of geographical features and climatic conditions. Its geographical feature gives it a seasonal quality quite different from what one may have witnessed anywhere else. In fact the monsoons, or the rainy season, summer and winter are one of a kind. This assorted qualities itself is the pride of the country. The living styles of individuals, their clothes, musings, sustenance and society, everything has engravings of this differing qualities. To such an extent, that all together they appear to be a piece of an as one unit. Indian Languages: The Indian subcontinent consists of a number of separate linguistic communities each of which share a common language and culture. In India people mostly used to speak many languages and dialects which are mostly variations of about 22 officially recognized regional languages by the Constitution of India and each has produced a literature of great vitality and richness. Hindi and English are national official languages of India. According to Census of India of 2001, 30 languages are spoken by more than a million native speakers, 122 by more than 10,000. Some Indian languages have a long mythical history. Sanskrit literature is  about more than 5,000 years old and Tamil 3,000. The number of individual languages listed for india is 461. Of these, 447 are living and 14 are extinct. Of the living languages, 75 are recognized, 127 are developing, 178 are vigorous, 55 are in trouble, and 12 are dying. For example, (Ethnologue: Languages of, 2013).Some languages in India do not have written forms. Though distinctive in parts, all stand for a homogeneous culture that is the essence of the great Indian literature. The number of people speaking each language varies greatly. For example, more than 41% people in India speak Hindi. Although some of the languages are called â€Å"tribal† or â€Å"aboriginal†, their populations may be larger than those that speak some European languages. India’s schools teach 58 different languages. The nation has newspapers publish in 87 languages, radio programmes telecast in 71, and films in 15 languages. (Indiansaga : Indian Languages, 2000). Indian way of Greeting: In India the most common form of welcome is to join the palm of both hands and say â€Å"Namaste† or â€Å"Namaskar†. Both are Sanskrit words which mean â€Å"I bow to you†. This is an appropriate form of greeting between all castes and rank of people. Religion wise, regional wise and culture wise the system of greeting is different, but the form is same. For example, Hindi speaking people greet the guest by saying à ¤ ¨Ã  ¤ ®Ã  ¤ ¸Ã  ¥ Ã  ¤ ¤Ã  ¥â€¡ – (Namaste) –Welcome, Gujarati People say à ª ªÃ  ª §Ã  ª ¾Ã  ª °Ã  «â€¹ (Padharo)– Welcome and à ªâ€¢Ã  «â€¡Ã  ª ® à ªâ€ºÃ  «â€¹? (kem chho?) for – How are you?, and Punjabi people used to say à ¨ ¸Ã  ¨ ¤ à ¨ ¸Ã  © Ã  ¨ °Ã  ©â‚¬ à ¨â€¦Ã  ¨â€¢Ã  ¨ ¾Ã  ¨ ² (Sat sri akaal) – Welcome. To say â€Å"Dhanyawad†(thank you) to express one’s appreciation is recognized to be great way. Then again, the Westerners utilize these two words so regularly and on so fool an event that really the words have lost their centrality. Actually the majority of the individuals say â€Å"Thank you†, not out of commitment yet to abandon the same then and there. Simply formally say â€Å"Thank you† and disregard the consideration always is the pervasive reasoning. Actually, Indians feel and admire one’s commitment profound from their hearts. As the power of appreciation, it is confirmed by the eyes and not by the lips. So Indians don’t jump at the chance to be formal at each  moment. They realize that these are words that matter and not to be enjoyed untrustworthily. Religions in India: Religion in India is described by differing qualities of religious convictions and practices. India is the origination of four of the world’s significant religions; specifically Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism. All around India’s history, religion has been a vital a piece of the nation’s society. Religious assorted qualities and religious tolerance are both built in the nation by the law and custom. According to the 2001 census [1], 80.5% of the population of India practice Hinduism. Islam (13.4%), Christianity (2.3%), Sikhism (1.9%), Buddhism (0.8%) and Jainism (0.4%) are the other major religions followed by the people of India. There are likewise various minor tribal conventions; however these have been influenced by significant religions, for example, Hinduism, Buddhism and Christianity. [1]. â€Å"Census of India 2001: Data on Religion†. Office of the Registrar General, India. Retrieved 2007-12-31. The most predominant religion in India today is Hinduism. Around the range of 80% of Indians are Hindus. Hinduism is a vivid religion with a boundless exhibition of Gods and Goddesses. Hinduism is one of the old religions on the planet. It should have created something like 5000 years back. Later on in aged period different religions created in India. Many religions have started in the nation and few religions of outside inception have likewise prospered here. India has the refinement of being the area from where significant religions in particular Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism and Jainism have begun in the meantime the nation is home to a few indigenous beliefs tribal religions which have survived the impact of real religions for quite some time and are holding the ground solidly Regional con-presence of various religious gatherings in the nation makes it truly special and the appellation solidarity. Clothing in India: Clothing in India fluctuates from region to area hinging upon the ethnicity,  topography, atmosphere and social conventions of the individuals of that district. Generally, men and ladies’ dress has developed from basic Langotas and loincloths to blanket the form to expound ensembles utilized within every day wear as well as on festival occasion, additionally ceremonies as well as rituals and dance performances. In urban ranges, western garments are regular and consistently worn by individuals of all divisions. India likewise has extraordinary differences regarding weaves, filaments, shades and material of apparel. Color codes are followed in attire dependent upon the religion and custom concerned. Case in point, Hindu women wear white dress to show grieving, while Parsis and Christians wear white to weddings. Every province has its own tradition and clothing style for men and women. Generally, men wear Kurta, Shervani, Payzama, Dhoti, Pant-Shirt and women used to wear Saree, salwar-kameez, Gaghara-Choli according to their tradition and regional culture. The men in sikh community of India wear Turban (Dastar or Pagri) on their head to protect their hair, which is part of religious manners. Festivals in India: India is a place that is known for extraordinary differing qualities. The Indian schedule is one long parade of celebrations. These are as fluctuated in inception as they are expansive in number. India is a multilingual, multi-religious, multi-social country. It depicted as a place that is known for numerous religions and incalculable dialects, it may well be portrayed as a place where there is celebrations also. India, being a socially diverse and deep social order, praises different holydays, occasions and festivals. Every last event from the reaping of products, respecting the spring or drizzle, to seeing the full moon fits euphoric festivals sprinkled with colors, music, society moves and melodies. Indeed the special days of perfect creatures are praised by associating them with specific celebrations. There are three national holidays in India: Independence Day on 15 August, 2 October- Mahatma Gandhi’s birthday and Republic Day from 26 January. States and local religions have their own local festivals, neighborhood  celebrations relying upon common religious and semantic demographics. Prominent religious celebrations incorporate the Sikh celebrations like Guru Nanak Jayanti, Baishakhi, Hindu celebrations of Makar-Sankranti, Maha-Shivaratri, Diwali, Navratri, Ganesh Chaturthi, Holi, Dussehra, Islamic celebrations of Eid ul-Fitr, Eid al-Adha, Mawlid a Nabi and Christian celebrations of Christmas and days of observances, for example, Good Friday are watched all around the nation The homes are flawlessly brightened, new dresses are worn for each event, petitions to God offered to Gods, and part of sweets and goodies are cooked. The vast majority of these celebrations are regular to most a piece of India anyway they may be known by distinctive names in diverse parts of the nation. Distinctive societies additionally imply that diverse ceremonies are accompanied. (Budhiraja) Indian Food: India cooking or Indian cuisine encloses a wide mixed bag of territorial foods local to India. Given the reach of differences in soil sort, atmosphere and occupations, these foods vary essentially from one another and utilize mainly accessible flavors, herbs, vegetables and fruits. Indian nourishment is likewise vigorously affected by religious and social decisions and customs. Indian sustenance is not the same as rest of the world in taste as well as in cooking techniques. It reflects a flawless mix of different societies and ages. Much the same as Indian society, sustenance in India has likewise been affected by different civilizations, which have helped their portion in its in general improvement and the present structure. Food of India is better known for spiciness. All around India, be it North India or South India, flavors are utilized liberally as a part of food. Yet one must not disregard that each and every zest utilized as a part of Indian dishes conveys some or the other nourishing and medicinal lands. Indian nourishment is rich in variety, taste and flavor. Every locale has its own particular style of cooking and interesting food. Famous for outlandish sauces and zesty kababs, Indian food has something to fulfill each sense of  taste. The solid flavors of Indian cooking are a direct result of the seasonings, flavors, and the fundamental fixings which incorporate grains, beats, verdant vegetables, fruits, and meat. Flavors and seasonings were utilized even many years back, both for their capability to captivate the sense of taste and likewise for their medicinal qualities; for instance turmeric, cloves and cardamoms are disinfectant in nature. Ginger and cloves help assimilation. Pepper is extraordinary solution for throat diseases. According to Indian food recipe, there are six different tastes: sweet, sour, salty, spicy, bitter and harsh. An Indian meal is a well-balanced combination of all the six tastes. Often one or two of them will stand out and it is not often that all six are employed in a dish. (â€Å"Indian food,†) Conclusion There are diverse parts of the Indian society. Every perspective is honed by individuals not everybody trusts in the diverse viewpoints. As should be obvious it is an exceptionally accepted society, everybody has their assessment towards it, positive and negative. Hence the Indian Culture is an extremely extraordinary society and has different practices. In spite of the fact that the adolescent don’t have faith in the customary perspectives, the society will change with time and won’t be accepted any longer due to the advanced world. With everything taken into account the perspectives are every now and again honed however tomorrow’s era are set to transform it. It is always honored about India â€Å"Unity in Diversity†, we believe it. References Budhiraja, V. [Web log message]. Retrieved from Ethnologue of the world : India. (2013). Retrieved from (2013). Ethnologue: Languages of the world. (17 ed.). Dallas, Texas: SIL International. Retrieved from (n.d.). Retrieved from Indian food. (n.d.). Retrieved from The office of The Registrar General & Census Commissioner, India, office of The Registrar General & Census Commissioner. (2001). Scheduled languages in descending order of speaker’s strength – 2001 (Statement No. 4). Retrieved from The Registrar General & Census Commissioner website:

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Describe how political, legal and social factors are impacting upon the business activities of the selected organisations and their stakeholders Essay

Describe how political, legal and social factors are impacting upon the business activities of the selected organisations and their stakeholders. Tesco In all the business in the country like Britain, they have to have this in mind that there are changes that are taking place in the business environment and to the people who maybe the shareholders. These changes can be the political, legal, and the social factors with the business environment and the country. Political factors of Tesco as a retail and a large business in Britain. Political factors are the decisions that are made by the politicians who have got all the powers to run the country and control over people and their business. The political factors have got three different levels that help to run the people, country and businesses. The national level: These levels consider is all about the political parties that protect the members of the parliament in the general elections. There is a party that is being led by the prime minister who appoints the ministers in charge of the key areas of the government e.g. Health of the people in the country, education, and also the industry which could be the businesses in the country to make sure they are running smoothly. The international level: Britain is a member of the European Union (EU). This level has got responsibility to make political decisions that increase the effect whatever decisions that done within the members of the states. The local level: This level consists of councils that are representatives of the population of the other people and make decisions about the local issues on behalf of the other local members. The local level has got all the people who help to set power for the people who are living in the particular area by providing protections to the people who are living area the council. These political decisions involve making choices that affect large numbers of people and their businesses. The decisions that are made by the politicians are making laws that will tend to favour or give chance to some groups at the expense of others. Some of the decisions that can be made maybe a favour the business like Tesco when the law is made / decided that every business will not be paying any taxes with whatever they are doing. That can be favour for the shareholders will be earning a lot from their business. But some decisions that are made sometimes may restrain business, e.g. when taxes of the business is raised this will be some of the down fall of the small businesses because the shareholders won’t be getting profits from what they have started in the business. The business will not be providing good services to the people who are the customers so their needs won’t be satisfied. These political factors have got some impacts factors to the business: Political stability: some times, the political stability favours the business. Within this political stability the political factor level that is used is the national level. This political level will find the way to put its plans into action that the people will have to fellow. The plans at the national level are made public to everyone to know it and they can be of good help to business planning. Tesco as a business can be able to use the government plans to identify the likely changes and how their plans that are made at nation level affect them in their business. This provides business with a degree of faith in whatever they are doing for the next few years for the business that has just been setup. Sometimes is political stability different leadership can be an effect to the business and the people in the country. This is when the elections are being taken in place and the president you hard before changed to another person’s which means all the rules and regulations that run the country or the business will have to change and that can be a bad thing to the people you are heading or the business you will be managing. This is all like having confidence in your business as a shareholder. if the education level is high in the area there will be more skilled workers and this will leads to high income. High income means demands for goods and services will increase. Taxation: this term means the money that each business pays on each product and that the business sale. The taxes are levied by the national government like with type of taxes called the income tax and the local government which may deal with the business rates with the products they are selling to the customers. Taxation has a very important purpose to the government because it helps it to raise revenue and also enables it to discourage many activities that the business do and encourage others by lowing the rates of taxes so that they can be able to start up. These are some of the examples of taxes that business use Corporation tax: This type of tax deals with taxes on the profits that are made by the companies like energy companies. Income tax: This type of tax is all about the income the people who are self employed like the sole traders and other people who get income like the employees in the business like the people working in the Tesco. National insurance: This is the required tax that is being paid for pensions like sickness, and unemployed benefits. This is given to the people who may have left their places of work for important reasons, like may be age, serious sickness and other things. VAT (value added tax): This type of tax is that tax that is added to the products that are needed and required by the business. So for example if Tesco needs a product from any business outside it, the price it costs will be added on by the Tesco business to get it and that’s called the vat. So it’s always on retail goods that are being bought and into the business. Customs duty: This is the type of tax that is paid by the business on the imports and the exports of the goods and services. The imports of Tesco as a business will be the goods that are not made and no produced by them. The exports will be the goods that Tesco will be made by the business themselves and they are living the out of the business to other country or to other business that not produce them. The government will have more powers to increase taxes on some of the goods that are sold by the business like cigarettes these are harmful things to human beings. They can because of diseases to people like lung cancer so the government will be fighting against the production of cigarettes by increasing the taxes on it so that people’s health can be better for them. The government can also make an increase of taxes on the fuel that is being used by cars and machines. The reason of this can be that many fuel oils are making smelly gases causing pollution and that can be bad effect to the people lives. Tesco has all both affects of people’s lives the cigarettes and fuel oil selling and so if the government is making tax increase on them the business will see taxes as high cost that takes and uses a lot of its profit from what they had planned for as business shareholders. Government provides direct support to specific types of business and specific activities in two different from grants and loans. A grant is that money that the government gives to a business and it’s not repaid. The main reason why the government provides this is because some business activity supports the government policy. The example here is that the government may give grants to employees to go and train others about business and the money that they have given out is not repaid back. The government also gives out loans to business on a specific purpose. The government loans are of interest rates whereby you borrow money from the banks and pay it back at an interest rate of more money rate you got it for. Government decision to join the European Union because the businesses in this country have got good things and bad things that can be of good help to other countries and their businesses. This is a good thing because trading can be freely without being charged for so there can be free importing and exporting of goods to and from the country. An impact on that can be that businesses have to be more competitive with other business if they want to have trade with the European Union business. This can lead the businesses to produce more and sell more at an affordable price so that they can get free trade market with others. Social factor Demographics The increase of people’s population in the country or area. This is like the number of people changing from the percentage of 90 to an increase of 100% increase of population in the place. Businesses sell more products and the shareholders get more profits. Due to the increase of customers, there will be high demand of products from the customers. More people in the area will lead to more setting up of new business whether big or small businesses from other people. Households and family Helps the business to know the peoples expenditure on how they spend since there many people living alone in house. Education All business needs to employ people who have got better education skills on high level for particular job. This can be of help to both the business and the person him/her self. If there was good education in maybe Peckham at Harris there will be more people who will move to Peckham and so the business near or around will get more customers in the business. Attitudes to work Attitudes at the place of work depend on the different ways people in the business like the employees act ways and behaviour to the customers. If it’s in the bad way them the business will lose customers and so the businesses will not have money. People with right attitudes will be more productive. E.g. Foreigners who are prepared to work hard may be chosen over the local people. Religions: Religion can be a big factor to the business simply because there many people who are living in the area, many people have got different religions believes that they follow for the best of the religion towards the lord. I will give an example here of Muslim’s are have got different believes towards the business like all Muslims in the world do not eat pork as its part of their religion, they also don’t drink alcohol or even smoke, so all of this can affect the business that can that can be in the area of there are only Muslims around that place so if your business is selling one of the mentions things above you are most likely to het loses from them all since you not getting any customers. Another religion maybe Christian, there people don’t work on Sundays the reason being that is they also have to go to their place of worship so there is no need for them to go to work. This can affect the business because there will be no people helping in the store to serve the customers so therefore you need to do the job by yourself or ether close the shop on Sundays . Ethics This in the business are the values principals that run the business, these ethics affect the business through the fair trade in the business this is more like some business should offer fair price to their customers. This money can be used to save people in Africa. In the business like Tesco all the people who buy products like buying a biscuit at 50p and in the other shops the same biscuit is at 40p which means the shop that is selling the biscuit at 5op is having fair trade to help the other people and poor people in Africa. Environment: the business have to use resources well and minimising waste, some of the business wastes that can affect the environment and the bags that are been used in the business for the customers package. Business should make sure that they treat the customer’s very well attitude to male and female role. Attitude to male and female. In the past years, male use to work and the female used to stayed home to baby sit the children, but this time and year both the genders are now working and there more numbers of woman working that the man, women tend to be more attractive at their place of work than the woman Changes in structures In the UK, the highest numbers of people living in the country are the old. This is a impact to the business, if there more people in the country and they old people there will be more business springing up to care for the needs of the old people like transportation them in cars from home to their place of care, many of the old people will be an impact for the pharmacies and health centres, which will need to expand into many places Indore to meet the needs of old people department on the population. Legal factors Consumer laws and regulations: This is the act where the business like Tesco has got all the powers to make its consumers to be happy and taking responsibility of the business. This act has all the business to satisfy the customers quality which will means that all the goods that the consumers buys are meeting there satisfaction so they are happy with the business serving them as their customers. Tesco has to make sure that all the goods it selling to the consumers is fit for purpose. Like if you as the consumers you buying something from the business like you asked for an x box 360 but instead of the staff in the business giving you the right thing that you asked for they give you something else which maybe wrong that can be fit for purpose so the business has to be so careful with that when serving their customers. Employment law: Employees are also protected at their places of work and the employers according to the component of employment protection. Before the employees are asking for the job in any place of work in the business they should all have their personal details that can describe them when asking for the job to help the employers? Like they should have their forms with their full names, job tittle, hours they would be happy with in working, holiday pay entitlement all that is needed by the employers to know what you would really want when you are in the business (Tesco). The time of work like what time they should be coming at the work place and the time they will be leaving to get a proper rest to get ready for the next day. This can help the employees because it can really give them time to spend with their families like their children at home or even going out with their fellow staff members. Wage regulations, this concedes with the employees payment in terms of the money they are being paid for the job that they are doing. They should know how much salary they are getting hourly or monthly which can be done on time because it has to be of good help to them when they need it. Competition law: In the business environment there are laws that run how the business should compete with each other in terms of what they selling or doing. Law against the preventive business practices to reduce competition. This is like there are more than two shareholders agreeing over making the decisions of making prices on the goods that they are selling in their business. This can be controlled by measuring or looking at the amount of the product you bought how it was sold to you so that you can get it in the business so looking at the price you were sold make a decision on more than the price you as the shareholders you got it and then make the sell price in your business. In the business to manage the competition with other business all the goods that are sold in the business have to be so affordable to the customers so it’s so more different from the other business that sell the same thing as your business like Tesco its main competitors is asda, Sainsbury that are selling the same things so Tesco has to make its goods more affordable and provide good customer services to its consumers to win the other competition from the other businesses. Conclusion The result of the political analysis shows that the country is politically stable. But traditional values are still very important and need to be taken into account. If TESCO decides to expand, it must be aware that it is only allowed employing local workers. Also, the cheap local fund borrowing has the benefit over taxes and the good infrastructure is to be seen positively. In addition to that, the analyses showed that they are all people in the business and the outside the business and minded towards foreign operated supermarkets. The analysis of social factors shows that they are all about the living things like considering the services that are in the business and to the people how they are living like education, families, health and population in the country or in the particular .The high living standards in the country area advantageous for TESCO as they allow people to spend a large amount of their income on groceries that they are selling.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Evaluation of the 2011 Policy of the Bank of England Essay

Evaluation of the 2011 Policy of the Bank of England - Essay Example This essay discusses that in 2011, the Bank of England maintained the interest rate low even when the inflation rate was higher than the targeted level. Is this policy sound? The â€Å"monetary policy objective is to deliver price stability --- low inflation --- and, subject to that, support the Government’s economic objectives including those for growth and employment†. Low inflation itself is not defined but â€Å"price stability is defined by the Government inflation target of 2%†. Maintaining t a 2% inflation rate is the continuing target of the United Kingdom through the Bank of England which is the central bank of the UK. Yet, as indicated by Table 1, inflation was 2.1% in 2005, 2.33% in 2006, 2.32% in 2007, 3.6% in 2008, 2.17% in 2009, 3.29% in 2010, and 0.5% in 2011. If the inflation rate â€Å"target is missed by more than 1 percentage point on either side ---i.e. if the annual rate of CPI inflation is more than 3% or less than 1%---the Governor of the Bank must write an open letter to the Chancellor explaining the reasons why inflation has increased or fallen to such an extent and what the Bank proposes to do to ensure inflation comes back to the target†. During the period 2005-11, annual average bank interest rate decreased from 4.65% to 0.5% when the usually logical action to take is to increase the interest rate given the overall trend of an increasing inflation rate. If she wants to, the Bank of England can influence bank interest rates through several policy instruments such as her control over government. Over the period 2005-11 or 7 years, inflation rate was above 2% and, yet, interest rate has been made extremely low. Inflation has been on the uptrend since 2005 but interest rates were on the downtrend beginning the same year. The United States sub-prime crisis that became the trigger for the ongoing world crisis started to express itself sometime 2007. In the United Kingdom, the gross domestic product dropped in 20 09 and recovered its 2008 level in 2010 but the GDP per capita figures probably continued to decrease. UK inflation, on the other hand, has been increasing since 2005. This indicates that the ongoing UK inflation is independent from the United States crisis and its aftershocks. At the same time, this also implies that it may be possible to address the two problems separately or that specific measures are needed to address UK inflation independent from the measures needed to address the fallouts on the UK from the U.S. sub-prime crisis. Nominal GDP or GDP in current values decreased in 2009 despite an inflation of 2.17% during the year. Needless to say, the impact of this double hit of a decrease in the nominal value of the GDP combined with inflation is that the quality of life deteriorated for at least several households in the United Kingdom. Chart 1. Quarterly GDP change, 1955 to 2011 Source: Roger, et al. 2012 Using Chart 2 for looking at the period 2000-2011 within a longer ter m horizon or between 1955 to 2011, it is to see that 2000-2011 is a period wherein GDP change on a per quarter basis is lower compared to the GDP change on a per quarter basis over the period 1955 to 1980. A lower growth rate should imply a lower demand for money and provides a merit for higher levels of interest rates. Chart 3 also suggests that the pattern of

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The Overall Picture for Benefit-Cost Analysis for Illicit Drugs in Research Paper

The Overall Picture for Benefit-Cost Analysis for Illicit Drugs in General and for Cocaine and Heroin - Research Paper Example Rosen (1995) emphasised on the mathematics part of benefit-cost assessments. At the same time, he also emphasised that instead of benefit-cost assessments, cost-effectiveness may be the better approach to use for some projects or decisions involving intangibles. Stiglitz (2000) proposed a set of principles for measuring non-monetized costs and benefits. He prescribed a set of techniques for valuing time, life, and another alternative method of valuation (2000, p. 278-283). Rather than conceding on the concepts of â€Å"intangibles†, it seems that Stiglitz emphasised on monetisation end emphasised that the concept of benefit-cost analysis is â€Å"developing systematic ways of analyzing costs and benefits when market pride do not reflect social costs and benefits† (2000, p. 274). In 1998, the Risk and Policy Analysis Limited prepared a document for the European Commission elaborating on the techniques of benefit-cost assessment. The document is used for policy and propos als evaluations. We are guided by the said materials as we explore on the benefit-cost assessment of legalising the use of cocaine and heroin. As pointed out by the Matrix Knowledge Group (2007), the drug supply chain covers several continents. This is also discussed in Fox and Albertson (2010, Lecture 1 Slide 18). The drug supply chain includes the dealers who bring the drugs into the UK from overseas, the dealers who distribute the drugs at the national level or the dealers who buy the drugs in one city and sell it in another (Matrix Knowledge Group 2007, p. 17).

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Hard Bob, Funky, Gospel Jazz Music Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Hard Bob, Funky, Gospel Jazz Music - Essay Example Generally, however, Gospel Music themes covered areas of Christian religious worship, praise and thanksgiving to the Holy Trinity. There were several main characteristic of Black Gospel Music that distinguished it from other Gospels. Throughout the years since its development, many artists have also sprung and they not only contributed to its development, but took this particular subgenre into the next level. Black Gospel, also called Urban Contemporary Gospel, like the mainstream genre it belonged to, sought to express the collective Christian beliefs of the community. It was deemed the Christianized version of the mainstream modern music of the earlier half of the 20th century. Though the themes were somewhat fixed, the main characteristics of this subgenre changed throughout the years. Tempo and beat often differed according to the taste of the artists and the particular music era they belonged to. For instance, in the early years of its conception (1920s-1940s), Thomas A. Dorsey, the â€Å"Father of Gospel Music, along with pioneer singers Willie Mae Ford Smith and Sallie Martin, popularized Black Gospel by mixing elements of Blues or Spirituals with the Christian religious experience (Petrie). With â€Å"happiness† as the prime element in testifying a religious experience, there was a good deal of dancing (mainly employing the Boogie-Woogie style to the accompaniment of Jazz instruments). In the 1930s, the religiosity of Gospel Music mingled with political and social commentaries as popularized by male groups called quartets, who usually sang A Cappella and in jubilee style. Unlike the less lively hymns of the 20s, groups such as the Soul Stirrers and the Golden Gate Quartet blended more melodies in their songs, giving them a playful rhythm as well as more social significance (i.e. background music for the civil rights movement) (Petrie; Warner 35-6). The 30s also saw the rise of creative Gospel singers like Sister Rosetta

Friday, July 26, 2019

Research Proposal for a Grant Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Research Proposal for a Grant - Essay Example The FBI has completely transformed its operations to better detect, penetrate, and dismantle terrorist enterprisesoverhaul[ing] its counterterrorism operations, expand[ing] intelligence capabilities, moderniz[ing] business practices and technology, and improv[ing] coordination with its partners" ("Fact Sheet: Justice Department Counter-Terrorism Efforts Since 9/11," 2008). Currently, the war in Afghanistan against a combination of the Taliban, insurgent rebels, and tribal warlords has fueled a conflict that few could imagine. The treacherous mountainous terrain of Afghanistan makes fighting in that area even more difficult. Right now, "the Obama administration has grappled with whether to send as many as 80,000 additional U.S. troops to fight the Taliban in Afghanistan or use missile-carrying spy planes and covert military missions to focuson al-Qaida leadersin decision on the future of the war strategy should be made [till after elections]" (Jakes, 2009, pghs. 10 & 11). In Afghanistan, there is most likely to be a runoff election in November due to the mishandling of the election. Incumbent Prime Minister Hamid Karzai's position is at stake, due to the fears that the war will move to the capital of Aghanistan, with the Taliban taking over. According to Seymour Hersh (2004), there was "a tiny C.I.A. ... troops to fight the Taliban in Afghanistan or use missile-carrying spy planes and covert military missions to focuson al-Qaida leadersin decision on the future of the war strategy should be made [till after elections]" (Jakes, 2009, pghs. 10 & 11). In Afghanistan, there is most likely to be a runoff election in November due to the mishandling of the election. Incumbent Prime Minister Hamid Karzai's position is at stake, due to the fears that the war will move to the capital of Aghanistan, with the Taliban taking over. In fact, the U.S. offensive in Afghanistan According to Seymour Hersh (2004), there was "a tiny C.I.A. outpost in Dushanbe, Tajikistan, near the Afghanistan border, [where people] watched helplessly as Saudi-backed Islamic fundamentalists-the precursors of the Taliban-consolidated training bases and began to recruit supporters and run operations inside the frontier nations of the former Soviet Union" (pp. 79). Quite frankly, the U.S. still has reason to believe that terrorists, including Osama bin Laden, pose a threat to the United States from both Afghanistan and Pakistan. This is the reason for having launched new offensives in Afghanistan. Meanwhile, President Obama must make the decision whether or not to send another 40,000 troops to Afghanistan. In order to make the world (and the U.S.) a safer place, it is commendable to the U.S. that it might send more troops. However, with a burgeoning national budget deficit of $1.4 trillion dollars, the United States is in a weak position to bargain, especially with its main creditor, China. This opens the U.S. up to even more vulnerability since the U.S. is currently borrowing 80% of the U.S. national GDP. In order to make security better in a